C# yield interview question


SEE ALSO: Coding Interview Preparation

This document describe how to chunk 20000 strings into batches of 75, using the C# yield keyword.

What's included in the purchase

PDF file with the following:

  • Explanation of C# yield
  • Restrictions related to C# yield
  • Source code example


2 pages



About the author 

The author has over 15 years of experience as architect and engineering director for several Fortune 500 companies.  He loves programming interviews and writes frequently on the topic.  Here are some additional details about the author:

- Expert in C#, .NET, ASP.NET, XML, XSLT, enterprise JAVA and client side technologies

- Extensive experience in C, C++, VB.Net, ASP, UML, Design Patterns and SEO

- Proficient in major databases including Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle

- In-depth knowledge of cloud providers including Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure

- Clear understanding of all 3 major mobile platforms – iOS, Android and Windows Phone

SEE ALSO: Coding Interview Preparation